
Thursday, March 21, 2013

29 days and Counting!

Man I am bad at keeping up on this blogging thing.
 I will get better I promise. 
29 days left, until I am Mrs. Chad Hamilton.
 This is so crazy. I'm so in love, and so dang ready for, forever with Chad!
This past Saturday I had my 2nd bridal shower. It was BOMB! My cousin, aunts, and grandma put it together. They we so awesome! It was carnival themed, and was so fun!
 I made Chad come with me, because he was in town and he beat me at all of the carnival games.
 I'm not very good at them, but the photo booth made up for it! 
(Oh this is totally random, but if you are by chance looking for a wedding videographer my cousin Chelsee does an amazing job, and you will have so much fun filming with her too!
 She is one of a kind!)
Anywho, we got so many amazing gifts! Not only did I get a cute honeymoon package, Chad's sisters wanted to embarrass Chad,so they got me a "nighty," that yes I opened in front of my dad, mom, Chad, Chad's mom, and my grandma. 
It was pretty embarrassing but, I wasn't nearly as embarrassed as Chad was though, and he didn't want to see it so he was staring at the ground trying not to make eye contact with anyone.
 That was the best part seeing his face, and don't you worry we captured the moment. After we moved on to the next present, he informed everyone he didn't see it, then my aunt blurted out
 "Oh don't worry you will."
It was really funny.
Oh and for one of the games they just had to do the bubble gum game. 
Ya know the one where they ask you questions about the other person
 and if you get it wrong in goes the gum.
 My wad of gum at the end filled my mouth.
 But I will say, the best question (that I got right by the way) was
 "If Chad could be any animal what would it be?"
 You would probably guess a lion, shark, or maybe a cheetah, but something scary right?
 It's a sloth.
 He is obsessed with sloths. He wants to own one.
 Not sure how I feel about that, but yep a sloth. He is just an odd ball.
 I absolutely love it, because I know he will make me laugh all the time. No matter what kind of mood I am in, and I still can't believe that he chose me. Still can't believe that we will be together for forever, and all because my grandma kept bugging him take me on a date.
 Thank you grandma (:

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

It's becoming real.

well, 1 down 3 to go.
Holy Moley! I got so lucky with my in-laws. 
 They put on the cutest bridal shower for me and I had so much fun!
 We played this game where we had to guess the price of a certain item from Walmart and oh man.
 I have no idea how much anything costs at the grocery store, on the plus side all my guesses were waaay over the actual price!
 We got some pretty great presents, that includes me cooking, which is a talent I haven't quite developed yet.
 But it's okay, Chad said he likes burnt things.
 I think he was just trying to make me feel better or he's just weird :)
The best part is, I know if I ever messed up our dinner he would just make a joke to lighten the mood and make me feel better. I am one lucky girl. I'm just sayin'.
Anywho, the next bridal shower I am dragging Chad along with me. Lets see how he does. He is such a trooper, and will probably just as excited if not more about our new gifts. 
He's so cute. 
Gosh I am so in love
1 month 13 days 16 hours 20 minutes.