Well it has been way too long since I have posted.
We have been so busy between school and work. Right now I am working two, yes two jobs,
and taking 14 credits online. One of my jobs is at Chad's beloved sandwich place called Togos. So just call me the sandwich specialist.
Chad is currently working and going to school too. He is working at Kay Jewelers, and is loving it. So, if any of you love birds need a pretty ring call Chad!
We have loved being back in Rexburg, and are really glad to have our awesome group of friends back together. It is so fun to have couples our same age, going through the same things (being poor), and going to school together. All of the husbands served their missions together, and us girls just married into their crazy, super fun friendship. We do a lot of fun things together, for example we throw some pretty great parties. For example, on Halloween we had a costume contest.
Here is a group picture of all of us.
One of just us.
I'm sorry Chad, but you don't make a very pretty girl.
It was really hard for me to keep a straight face,
and my mustache kept falling off.
And here is the winner of the contest.
Kudos to Colin for wearing that all night!
This was such a great party! We ate too much candy, watched a weird scary movie, and played Halloween games like, who can wrap a person with toilet paper to look like a mummy the fastest.
My team won by the way.
But we have some awesome friends,
and I think we should all just buy a house and live in together so we don't get separated.
Sadly we weren't able to be with Carl on Halloween,
but we still got him a costume.
By the look on his face you can clearly tell he loves it.
I miss Carl more than I think I should. Our apartment here in Rexburg won't allow us to have pets, so we had to leave him in Utah with my awesome in laws.
Seriously they are the best. They are taking care of the grumpiest cat on earth,
and call him their grandchild.
I mean they love dressing him up as much as we do.
I think they are going to have a hard time giving him up when we move back :).
Since my last post we have both celebrated our birthdays. Chad is 24 and I am 21.
Why am I getting so old.
The best present I got for my birthday, besides all the sweet birthday messages from friends and family was this shirt that Chad got me.
If you haven't noticed I kind of like cats, and I am slowly converting Chad into a cat lover too.
Twenty years from now we will probably have a cat farm or something.
Anyways, things are going really great. We are almost done with the semester, just to start a new one in January. Right now it feels like school will never end, but I am definitely so very grateful for the opportunity to go to school, and especially here is Rexburg. Although it is freeeeezing here and you never want to leave the house, I love the small town feel, and being surrounded by some really amazing people. It is going to be bitter sweet leaving Rexburg in April.
Here are a few pictures just for fun!
When we spent way to much money on candy.
My beautiful sisters, who I miss a lot!
Swiss Days for Dayz.
Another Halloween picture because I hate corn mazes.
Yeah, his pumpkin weighed 38 pounds.
And finally the most handsome guy I've ever met,
and our many dates to Barnes and Noble.