Well guys, this summer is going to be another one for the books.
Chad and I both took a job as techs for a security company, and all I am going to say is, thank the heavens we will not be selling pest control again.
This summer shouldn't be too bad, because like I said we will just be installing the alarms, and will be able to see A LOT more of each other than we did last summer.
I just hope I don't rewire someone's house, because I don't know too much about drills and alarms, and wires. So basically all of it. But don't worry I will be trained until I could do it in my sleep.
Oh and we will be living in Chicago, Illinois.
How freaking cool is that?! I am stoked! Chad and I both have a bad case of the travel bug so any opportunity we get to move somewhere new, we jump right on board (unless it's selling pest control). If you can't tell we didn't have the best experience with selling pest control.
If it wasn't for the most beautiful place in Virginia that we lived I think we would have gone crazy. And the fact that we were 30 minutes from D.C. and 4 hours from New York made it bearable.
I just have a lot more confidence in how great this summer will be because
1. Obviously I'll be with the most handsome man alive,
2. I will be in Chicago, and I love big cities WOO!
3. We will not have to sell anything!
We will be going out there with, I think 5 other couples, so we are going to try to rent out a mansion to all live in together for the summer, and when I say mansion, I mean it.
These houses we are looking at are MASSIVE! So, that will be so great.
Hopefully we all get along really well.
So Chad got glasses.
If you know me you know I love glasses, and wish I wore them.
And I secretly love nerds, so it all works out. Also wouldn't you agree he looks like Clark Kent? Yeah he is a hottie!
Other than that things have been pretty low key around the Hamilton house.
We have just been doing a lot of homework, and Chad is working at Sammy's here in Rexburg. Which is not good, because we get half off their food.
Guys, their food is so good! And I'm going to get fat!
I know this was like a month ago, but Valentines Day is in my top 3 favorite holidays.
Mainly because I love, love, and because I never have to spend it alone again!
That, my friends, is a great feeling. Chad and I were actually driving to Utah on Valentines day, but we celebrated it Saturday night. He bought me the prettiest roses, and my favorite treats. I of course bought him hot cheetoes, and a bajillion chocolate kisses and put them in his shoes, backpack, car, and what ever else I thought he was going to be using that day.
Things are really great, the church is true, and I love Chad.